
Friday, July 20, 2007

Writing & Speaking

Learn To Close the Speech

One of the nastiest blunder you can make as a motivational speaker is talking for a long duration. Your speech will not only drive people to never, never land but it might also make many people go mad downright. It is never taken into consideration even if your whole lengthy speech was motivational or brilliant. The audience will leave the hall saying "the speaker loves to speak a lot but we are not the lengthy listeners" Don't allow this to happen in your case. Just say what you have planned to say and sit down. Before you decide to sit down, just let the audiences know that you are going to end the talk.

The Second Biggest Mistake Freelancers Make

When you first begin your freelance career–whether as a writer, photographer, web designer, graphic artist or whatever–you have to face the ultimate challenge: getting clients.

So you scour all the marketing books and Internet articles, and you talk with others who have gone before you to see if they have a secret.

Hurdles in American Smokers Life

Not many consumer products are taxed like cigarettes and cigars in America. It’ll be evident if you calculate its relative percentage value embedded in a pack of cigarette’s actual market cost. Even what you call the cheap cigarettes are itself taxed very heavily. For example, the tax free discount cheap cigarettes one could purchase from the online stores are priced at more than half the market rate of a pack of cheap Marlboro or Salem. The huge difference between the two is nothing but the unpaid tax by the online sellers.

What Makes a Great Speaker?

When people hear that I owned a national, professional speakers bureau for 13 years, they often ask me, who are the best speakers and why? What follows are some of the characteristics of a very successful speaker who is often a highly paid speaker.

'Tell' em what you're going to tell them, tell them, and then tell' em what you told them."

3 Easy Steps to a Million Dollar Title

The title is, without a doubt, the single most important part of your article. If you write a million dollar article, and add a crappy title, you wind up with a great article that no one will see. And, in the article marketing business, readers and page views are the only things that really matter.

Psychology dissertation

Psychology dissertation writing is one of the most technical forms of dissertation writing. Psychology is a field itself that is very technical. It has many theories and clinical trials that serve as issues to write about. In addition to this, there is so much more to write on in the field of psychology. This means that Psychology dissertation writing is interesting, detailed and requires immense research and technical writing approaches in order to produce a standard dissertation.

Process essay

Process essay writing is about describing anything that has happened or continues to happen in a sequence or order. In such an essay, you need to have your facts right, and you need to place them in the order in which they occur. If you cannot do this successfully, your Process essay will not be impressive. Along with remembering and presenting your facts in their sequence, you need to be expressive. Your language usage for relating facts matters a great deal. However, you do not need to over do it with expression. At the same time, you do not want to create an essay that only relates points.

Personal experience essay

Personal experience essay writing largely refers to describing personal experience, as the title suggests. Usually, this type of essay would include describing some, incident or ordeal you have been through. However, it may also refer to a string of related incidents that you remember as one whole experience. It is entirely up to you how you choose to handle your Personal experience essay. Regardless of which way you wish to go about writing your essay, there is a general format that you would want to follow. Also, making an outline would help you to stay organized, and it would prevent you from wandering away from the main topic points.

Management essay

Management essay writing as the name suggests is about management issues. You may be asked to write about almost any management topic in this form of essay writing. Depending on your assigned task, you will develop your approach to writing your Management essay. The general structure that you will follow includes an introduction, a main body and a conclusion. However, these parts vary in structure and content according to the task assigned to you.

Dissertation thesis

Dissertation and thesis carry the same meaning. In a dissertation, the writer will culminate all the findings and research on a topic and present it to get the degree that is sought for. Dissertations or theses are varied in forms according to the requirements of the faculty or the courses that the writers are pursuing.

Love essay

Love essay writing can be approached in different ways. You can choose to describe love or present arguments about it. In other words, you can choose to write a love essay as a definition essay or as an argumentative one. Whichever way you choose to approach a Love essay, it will give you pleasure because love is one of the greatest feelings human beings experience. You are more than likely to put in your best effort with writing this type of essay. This means that you will create an essay that many would love to read.

Macbeth essay

Macbeth essay writers are well versed in producing all kinds of essays related to the Shakespearean play, Macbeth. You, as a student or professional writer, may be assigned the task of writing a descriptive essay on Macbeth. Alternatively, you may be asked to develop an analytical approach to writing your Macbeth essay. There are various aspects to consider when writing essays for a play.

Macbeth essay

Macbeth essay writers are well versed in producing all kinds of essays related to the Shakespearean play, Macbeth. You, as a student or professional writer, may be assigned the task of writing a descriptive essay on Macbeth. Alternatively, you may be asked to develop an analytical approach to writing your Macbeth essay. There are various aspects to consider when writing essays for a play.

Technology essay

Technology essay writing can encompass any topic related to technology. Your essay could be a simple description of any technology or it can be argumentative or even a critique of any technological aspect. This depends on the assignment rules you are asked to follow or the flexibility you are allowed for your essay. Generally speaking, a it is a formal essay and it discusses facts. However, you may also have room to be creative in this form of writing.

How a 105 year old Poem can Make Your Presentations More Persuasive

Despite years of practical experience and many expensive courses, I've realized the best marketing tip I ever got was in my High School English class.

This tip provided the basis of a simple and scientifically-proven system for quickly and easily creating persuasive marketing material and convincing business presentations.

Italy Film

Cinema plays an important role in the life of any society. The cinema has become a part of the modern way of life. There is no denying the fact that the cinema is an excellent vehicle of culture. Its possibilities are unlimited. In the earliest years of the cinema its power to show contemporary events was recognized and appreciated. More than anything else this unique quality secured popularity for the film as a new form of instruction and entertainment. That’s why the cinema is considered to be one of the best ways of spending leisure time.

Generating Massive Income Writing Articles

Using specialized article marketing techniques specifically designed to generate income, my life has changed completely. Before I started marketing articles, the traffic to my sites was growing VERY slowly, and so was my income. One month I made $3.67 from my ads, the next month I made $5.21. Hardly enough to live on!

Analysis of My Friend Leonard by Frey James

As the time lapses the scene of action together with the main character transfers from Chicago to Los Angeles. James changes his activity. Now he is a writer. He still maintains close relationship with Leonardo, who remains his faithful friend and tutelary father.

and his friend Leonard we witness how their relations arise to its peak point and suddenly Leonardo vanishes. After insistent search James finally fin

The book under analysis is the work by Frey James My Friend Leonard. This choice was spurred by controversial reaction it provoked among the public and literary critics. This novel is, actually, a sequel to the book A Million Little Pieces published a year before. The genre of My Friend Leonard may be defined as a memoir though, as the author himself admits, it contains a certain degree of fictional elements. Frey James is an extraordinary figure in modern American literature. His own biography of a person who experienced problems with alcoholism, drug addiction, and even being a convicted criminal provides Frey with the manifold material which he successfully employed in the memoir.

The 18th Century Novel Characteristic Features

The picturesque style of novel began in the 16th century as a counterbalance to the chivalric romance. Some of the properties of this form are that it features protagonists from the lower classes, but draws on characters from various social classes. The primary character is usually duplicitous, both a dupe and a charlatan. Featuring panoramic scenes, it usually had different types of discourse, from philosophical reflection to parodying other traditional forms like the romance or poetry.

Analysis of Lucy by Jamaica Kincaid and Soledad by Angie Cruz

This article is devoted to the issue, which has been raised in a novel ‘Soledad’. The article briefly analyses the novel written by Angie Cruz. It presents similarities and differences of social norms and economical status in the society described by the author. Moreover, the article gives a deep look inside the book, stressing the description and presentation of mother-children relationship and gender roles in the novels.

History essay

Writing a history essay is a specific assignment. One needs to understand the question carefully. Some writers do not understand the question and they write around it, without addressing the question itself. The history essay is not about memorizing the facts and put it in a written format. It is more about discussion, trace, compare and evaluate the historical impact of the incidence.


An essay is an-fictional literary work that is written in fulfillment of academic curricula. If we see the history of an essay the first author who described his work as essays was the Frenchman Michel de Montaigne who lived between the years 1533 to 1592.

Dissertation Thesis

Many scholars who have a good track record during their academic years pursue PhD to attain a doctoral degree in their chosen subjects. During the final year of your research as a PhD scholar, dissertation thesis needs to be written to receive the doctoral degree.

College essay topic

College essay topic is a matter of choice. It can be either direct or indirect. Hence the choice is of utmost importance as the college will evaluate your creativity, thought process, personality, values, style and organizational abilities. The college essay topic itself will reveal your preferences. It will judge, whether you have an artistic mind or a person with a scientific bend.

Article Marketing and Website Traffic

Article marketing is an ideal way to improve your website traffic without expending too much energy. All you need do is to write a few decent articles, and your traffic will increase significantly.

Essay help

Essay help is available in different forms. You can get help from a friend or a company for writing an essay. You can also choose to help yourself. While help from a friend or a company would help you to get your essay written quickly, helping yourself to write an essay can take longer. However, the benefits of providing yourself with Essay help are far greater.

Research Papers

Research paper is a document of academic writing that requires a more abstract, critical and thoughtful level of inquiry then you might be used to. Writing research paper involves familiarizing yourself with the work of experts. A quality research papers is more than a loose collection of anecdotal matter or a patchwork of data pulled from several books.

Online Essay

A research paper is one of the most important and common requirements in high school and college. Students will definitely experience writing a research paper at one point in their lives.


Our graduate or undergraduate curricula require us to submit a dissertation for the completion of our degree. A dissertation helps us to get an in-depth understanding of the topic that we are writing upon. We need to thoroughly research the topic that we are writing upon, form convincing points in favor of the topic, structure the essay appropriately and finally conclude the essay. This is the essence of a quality dissertation. A thesis represents one’s idea on a topic and hence requires a great deal of thinking on his part. It is not necessary that a thesis is only in the form of an essay. In certain disciplines such as performing arts the thesis may be completed in the form of performance.

Argumentative Essay

Writing an essay opens up the mind of the writer and showcases their creativity. Argumentative Essay writing requires skills such as research, analytical thinking and good writing. You should also have skills to substantiate your arguments and bring them to a logical conclusion. The techniques develop overtime and with practice you can become a perfectionist in framing high quality argumentative essays.

5 Great Reasons To Start Ghostwriting

There are numerous reasons people start Ghostwriting but the most obvious reasons can be summarized into 5.

Volks Game

“What do you know about art, Volk?”

Maxim Abdullaev hurls the question through the airwaves as if it were an ax, cleaving pretense.

I cram my Nokia cell phone against my ear. Clattering dishes, jostling diners, and raised voices give me an excuse to delay answering his question. “Hold on,” I say, then step downstairs to my table in the basement of Vadim’s CafĂ© near Staraya Street, where I make my office.

The Art of Persuasion in an Essay

Rhetoric is the art of discovering, in a particular case, the available means of persuasion."

How to introduce a speaker

Copyright (c) 2007 The College Of Public Speaking
Introducing the guest speaker is not the easiest of tasks. Always remember your audience - what's in it for them?

The 7 Levels of Publishing, Part Two

Previously � in Part One.

The First Level of Publishing is to print one copy. The Second Level of Publishing is when you receive five copies. The Third Level of Publishing is when you want 50 copies.

10 Essential guidelines for writing an effective essay

Essay writing is one of the most important writing skills. It not only tests the ability of a writer to understand the implication and scope of the subject but also his capacity to organize his thinking about the topic and to communicate himself in clear style. In university or college context, it gives an opportunity to students to explore and clarify their thoughts about the topic or subject. The following guidelines will help you through the essay writing process for an effective essay.

How to Overcome Your Stage Fright

Most performers have had stage fright at one time or another. Most of the time people can't help but be a little nervous, and that's fine! The trick is to control it.

Talking Business

Copyright (c) 2007 The College Of Public Speaking

In business, there's no time to lose. Grab the audience's attention and make sure that you retain it.

The key question is - what is the purpose of your presentation? What do you want to achieve?

Do you want to inform, persuade, inspire, entertain?

Give a Speech? I’d Rather Die!

Jerry Seinfeld famously joked that at a funeral, the average person would rather be in the casket than giving the eulogy. Indeed, according to national surveys the fear of public speaking is America’s greatest fear, surpassing the fear of illness, fear of flying, fear of terrorism, and amazingly, the fear of death itself.

The longest march

The Longest March
Author: Heinz Rainer
Heinz Rainer

Austria, County of Burgenland, Uchatius Barracks

Early morning. As usual, on the dot 06.00 AM. a loud voice throws us out of our bunks.

Mandiana Customs scam, night in the Savannah, Barrages de Selingui, Mali

Tags: Mandiana, Guinea Customs, Niani, Selingui, Mali, Niger
Once dawn breaks I am up again, trying to locate the facilities of this shabby place I spent the night. The couple with the motorcycle episode still on my mind, I find my way to the washroom, and what a washing room it is.
There is flowing water however and I have my shower under the fresh morning sky, the cold water from the well helps me to clear my mind at once. I have a difficult task ahead of me, and I need lots of luck to get my merchandise out of the customs clutches. So mad the whole story sounds, no one would ever imagine the agonizing moments I go through with these officials. Like leeches they prey on their targets, remorseless their approach to empty your pockets.

Why Translation Can be Difficult

Do you sometimes wonder why certain materials are badly translated? One of these reasons why translation is difficult is a phenomenon known as polysemy: the many meanings that a single word can take.

For example, In English, the word plain can take on the following meanings:

ordinary / undecorated: a plain white shirt
easy / simple to understand: plain English
a level area of land: great plains

Due to polysemy, translating English into other languages is more complex than it seems. One will have to know which sense of the word is truly needed.

Editor's Report on Getting Your Article Published

After you do all the research, writing and rewriting, you want to be sure your article gets published. No one wants their hard work to be rejected, right?

As an editor for an on-line directory, I can tell you that I read a lot of articles that never get published. That means that they don't get read, which means it won't generate the traffic you've worked for with all your effort. That also means the cleverly crafted link in your resource area will be worthless.

College essay

Writing college essays is the most dreaded part of a college student’s life. But if a college student follows a few simple tips and practice diligently then he can excel in this field and earn good grades. For those who love reading, putting their viewpoints on paper is not a tough task. But otherwise too, this is not a tough nut to crack. Here is how you can do it.

Custom Essay

Custom essays are considered to be very tough for students. But if the students were guided in the right direction writing custom essays would not have been a tough task for them. Practice also plays a major role in writing custom essays. Today students lack the patience to practice the same thing again and again. They want to please their instructors but don’t realize that this not possible until and unless they practice hard.

Choosing Speakers

So you have just been made responsible for developing the best-ever program for your next corporate function. Perhaps it's a trade show. Perhaps it's a conference. It might be a company meeting or a product launch. Whatever the event, you don't know where to start. Before doing anything, understand that your program will stand or fall on

Dissertation thesis

Dissertation thesis writing is a very high standard form of academic writing. Students as well as teachers take this form of writing seriously. The term ‘Dissertation thesis’ tells you two things. The first is that it is a dissertation, and the second is that it is thesis writing. Therefore, the emphasis is greater on every aspect of this form of writing.

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